1 vote

lost lists suggestion Checked

After an update, my two lists disappeared. How do I retrieve them. One is a very extensive grocery list that has taken months to create.

Anonymous 2017-08-28 16:04
Has the answer

thanks for letting us know about the problem. Please contact us using help option in the app. to check what is happening, we need your login/email and information about your phone. It will be really helpful if you give us the name of the list that disappeared from your account.

Who voted: + 1 Anonymous


Has the answer   Hi,
thanks for letting us know about the problem. Please contact us using help option in the app. to check what is happening, we need your login/email and information about your phone. It will be really helpful if you give us the name of the list that disappeared from your account.

2017-08-29 14:38

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