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Push up notifications question New

Hello guys,

I absolutely love your application and we use it daily with my girlfriend.
I miss one thing, maybe I just couldn't find it....

I would love to get push up notification directly to my smartphone everytime my girlfriend add or check any item of the grocery list. Notification only come as email, I just can't believe you didn't input this feature... Where can I turn it on or how. Thank you!

Anonymous 2018-03-12 23:32
Has the answer

Hi, there is a push notification option in our app. You should get a push every time someone shares a list with you or add items to shared list.

Notifications, however, have several limitations, which means that sometimes they will not be visible.
- Notifications are sent only for shared lists. If you use one account on several devices, notifications are not available.
- Notifications are not sent if you turn off sending of notifications in the phone settings or if the phone is limited in running background apps (for example, when it is in Stamina mode).
- A person who receives a notification must have a Listonic version 5.6.2 (Android), 4.0.1 (iOS) or older installed.
- Pushes are sent with a few minute delay (counting from the last activity on the shared list). So, if someone adds something to the list, then stops for a moment, and then it happens again and again, notification will be sent only one time after all the actions are finished.
- A push will not be displayed if the intended recipient enters the shared list and looks at the items before the push reaches them. In this case, the system won’t send a push, because it assumes that if the potential recipient has already seen the changes on the list, the push is unnecessary.

In most cases, if you didn't get a notification, it is because of one or more of these reasons. However, if you think that the described situations are not the reason why you didn’t get a notification, please contact us using "send feedback" option within the app.

In your email, please give us the username of the person with whom you share the list and the list’s name. We will check what is happening.


Has the answer   Hi, there is a push notification option in our app. You should get a push every time someone shares a list with you or add items to shared list.

Notifications, however, have several limitations, which means that sometimes they will not be visible.
- Notifications are sent only for shared lists. If you use one account on several devices, notifications are not available.
- Notifications are not sent if you turn off sending of notifications in the phone settings or if the phone is limited in running background apps (for example, when it is in Stamina mode).
- A person who receives a notification must have a Listonic version 5.6.2 (Android), 4.0.1 (iOS) or older installed.
- Pushes are sent with a few minute delay (counting from the last activity on the shared list). So, if someone adds something to the list, then stops for a moment, and then it happens again and again, notification will be sent only one time after all the actions are finished.
- A push will not be displayed if the intended recipient enters the shared list and looks at the items before the push reaches them. In this case, the system won’t send a push, because it assumes that if the potential recipient has already seen the changes on the list, the push is unnecessary.

In most cases, if you didn't get a notification, it is because of one or more of these reasons. However, if you think that the described situations are not the reason why you didn’t get a notification, please contact us using "send feedback" option within the app.

In your email, please give us the username of the person with whom you share the list and the list’s name. We will check what is happening.

2018-03-13 09:54

Avatar sugester medium
Push notifications are currently not working on new iPhone xs. Pls fix. When I check checkbox in app settings to turn on notifications it is automatically disabled whenever I leave that page.

2018-10-08 21:32

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