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Correct email address suggestion New

I need to update my email address but it is not doing so. I am logged in online. I think I have two separate accounts now.
Wrong- BigDreamer7@comcast.ney

Correct- BigDreamer7@comcast.net
I just paid for a month free off adds on one of them.
Please help
Karl Alt

Anonymous 2018-03-22 17:03
Has the answer

Hi, you are right, you have two accounts.
We can move all lists from the wrong one to the right one and then delete BigDreamer7@comcast.ney account.
If you don't need those lists we can simply delete the wrong account without taking any additional action.
Please let us know at support@listonic.com which option you prefer.


Has the answer   Hi, you are right, you have two accounts.
We can move all lists from the wrong one to the right one and then delete BigDreamer7@comcast.ney account.
If you don't need those lists we can simply delete the wrong account without taking any additional action.
Please let us know at support@listonic.com which option you prefer.

2018-03-23 09:56

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