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"*Name* is making chages to thi list..." suggestion New

I love how smooth the synchronization works. Just 2 minor things would make the experience even better.

•Indicator that someone is changing the list
If someone is typing or searching an item in a shared list, and if someone from the other end has the list open let them see a small indicator that someone is editing the list at this time.

•Item questions
It happens a lot that you just add something but forget to specify the quantity. It would be helpful if in a shared list you could maybe hold or slide an item and attach a question to it. And as you do the other ends should recieve a notification, and when browsing the list a small indicator or a question mark next to the very item and when answered or deleted, the asking end should get a notification (if enabled) and in the list maybe exclamation mark or something which would indicate an answered question.
This feature indeed would be useful, but it's important to make it seamless so it won't get in the way in a normal use.

Anonymous 2018-08-18 14:09

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