19 votes

Create my own category suggestion New

It would be very helpful to be able to create my own additional categories based on how an item on my list is stocked in the store I visit. For example, I purchase a couple different breakfast items that currently fall under the pasta and grains category. However, I may also be purchasing pasta that week. In my store, the breakfast cereals and pasta are several aisles apart, but are listed consecutively on my shopping list, often resulting in a missed item and the need to back track. This app is awesome, thank you!

Anonymous 2017-03-26 12:13
Has the answer

we are working on a feature that will allow users to create their own custom categories. Unfortunately, it will take us some time because it is in the really early stage of development.

Who voted: + 19 Anonymous


Avatar sugester medium
I agree about the utility of creating more categories. For example, most of the cheese in the store I frequent is not in the dairy section, but near the deli section. The fresh-baked breads are also near the deli section, not on the bread aisle.

2017-07-21 14:47

Avatar sugester medium
Lack of Own categories are the only stopper from buying Premium. Definitely need it.

2017-10-06 06:57

Avatar sugester medium
Agree, this is a bit of a deal killer for long-term premium for me.

2018-02-03 01:56

Avatar sugester medium
I agree custom categories would be very helpful.

2018-02-12 05:30

Avatar sugester medium
Custom categories should be a standard functionality.
Listonic has just replaced Wunderlist, but I will not buy the Premium Edition before this important feature is implemented.
Awesome App!

2018-02-19 15:32

Avatar sugester medium
J'ai la version premiun et il serait très utile de pouvoir créer nos propres catégories

2018-08-19 18:20

Avatar sugester medium
There absolutely should be possibility to create own categories! I use premium edition and can't create ideal sorting for camping packing list - with own categories this would be much more than just a shopping list!

2018-09-18 11:50

Has the answer   Hi,
we are working on a feature that will allow users to create their own custom categories. Unfortunately, it will take us some time because it is in the really early stage of development.

2018-09-19 10:47

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