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Some questions
- how can I get the ads removed? upgrade?
- in the web version, if I copy and paste a text list into Listonic, Listonic intelligently creates individual products, but doing the same thing in the web version does not. Can you fix that, please? I have written lists that I copy and paste all the time.
- I have two lists, for two different stores. I'd like to create a master list using a merge function.

Thank you

Anonymous 2018-07-14 16:51
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0 votes

I can not find anywhere were I can scan an item into my shopping list even though I believe this app has that ability?

Anonymous 2017-09-09 11:52
Has the answer

When adding an item, you have a barcode icon on the top of your screen.

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Bat code suggestion New

Does this program allow me to scan a barcode on an item or rather than type it in

Anonymous 2017-12-31 20:52
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0 votes

how do I sign in? suggestion New

I mistakenly signed out -

how do I now sign back in?


Anonymous 2018-01-02 16:38
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0 votes

Unable to delete friend suggestion New

I've tried taping on their name icon and it would come up with delete friend.
I pushed the delete button but nothing happened. Is there something else I can try?

Anonymous 2018-09-01 14:33
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0 votes

I go to my account on google play to cancel my sub but it doesnt seem to be showing and yet the money is still been taken out of my account. I wish to stop it but Im unsure what to do?

Anonymous 2017-11-15 00:45
Has the answer

to check what is happening we need a few additional info. Please contact us via "send feedback" option in the app. In your email give us your payment ID. You can find it at https://payments.google.com/payments/u/0/home#

When we get your payment ID, we will be able to check, what exactly is happening with your subscription.

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It would be great to have euro's and other currencies in list.

Anonymous 2018-04-05 13:17
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0 votes

Receving lists question New

Wufe shared lists U can see un my emaul but canr see on mi ile app hiw do i get these

Anonymous 2018-04-10 04:30
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0 votes

Task list question New

Is there any way of being able to send my grocery list to my task list widget?

Anonymous 2018-01-22 19:16
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0 votes

James praise New

I am in agreement with pretty much everything that you mentioned entirely! Excellent website document!

Anonymous 2018-03-06 22:45
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