I paid for no adds but still getting them. Please advice on how to get rid of them.
Anonymous2017-10-02 00:00
Has the answer
if you have a problem with premium version please contact us using "send feedback" option form the ap menu and send additional data. To check what is happening we need your order ID (you can find it at: https://payments.google.com/payments/u/0/home#)
Spanish is the third most spoken language just before Mandarin & English. It's the official language in most latin america and it's the second most spoken language in the US. In europe it's also a common second language.
Ads suggestion Resolved
I paid for no adds but still getting them. Please advice on how to get rid of them.
if you have a problem with premium version please contact us using "send feedback" option form the ap menu and send additional data. To check what is happening we need your order ID (you can find it at: https://payments.google.com/payments/u/0/home#)
Spanish language suppot suggestion Resolved
Spanish is the third most spoken language just before Mandarin & English. It's the official language in most latin america and it's the second most spoken language in the US. In europe it's also a common second language.
For more information
We're sorry, but right now we cannot provide support in Spanish. We have launched Spanish version of Listonic though.