3 votes

Some of the default categories are ones I will never use. Others need to be edited to more accurately reflect the grocery store I frequent. Still other categories are not represented at all (and the "other" category won't work for this). We need to be able to create categories and customize existing ones.

Anonymous 2018-05-17 16:54
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2 votes

Categories suggestion New

I frequently travel and have used a list in the past that lets me put my frequently packed items in a master list (category). When the item is packed, each item is checked on the list until they are all complete. Each time I travel, I can go back to that category and select the needed items for this trip from that list. This feature would be a great option to this app. Thanks for your consideration.

Anonymous 2018-04-22 22:45
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2 votes

Categories suggestion New

Can new categories be added. We would like to add "Lawn and Garden". If yes, how?

Anonymous 2018-05-09 17:57
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2 votes

currency question New

how do i change from dollars to pounds on the Listonic website shopping list?

Anonymous 2018-09-14 10:20
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2 votes

Change currency suggestion New

shows pounds only?

Anonymous 2018-08-18 14:29
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2 votes

sorting suggestion New

can you add different sorting options?

Anonymous 2016-09-01 00:38
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2 votes

Cant open Listonic suggestion New

Starting yesterday when I click on the Listonic app, a screen pops up describing the privacy policy. When I click on the bar that says "got it, thanks"...the message " no connection" pops up.

I'm not able to see my lists and I'm not offline. Everything else online works just fine on my Android.

I have tons of info on this app. Please help!! Thank you!

Anonymous 2018-05-31 02:23
Has the answer

Hi, we solve this issue in the last actualization 6.11.5. Please update the app to the newest version.
If this doesn't help please contact us again at support@listonic.com. In your email send us information about your account, phone model, and Android version. This information will help us analyze what is happaning and fix this problem.

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2 votes

Categories suggestion New

I'd love the ability to add or edit categories. Is that possible?

Anonymous 2017-11-01 01:31
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2 votes

Got it, thanks! Privacy Policy button doesn't turn green, so I can't confirm it.

Anonymous 2018-05-28 11:40
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2 votes

How To Edit and Delete question New

I mis-typed the name of a list.

How can I edit that, or delete the list entirely?

Also, how do I delete one item on a list?

Danke sehr!

Anonymous 2016-03-07 09:13
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2 votes

Sort Lists suggestion New

I would like to be able to move my "most-used" list to the top. Please allow this option, or have the app sort automatically and I will name my list accordingly. Otherwise, great app!

Anonymous 2015-10-22 21:37
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1 vote

liste in deutsch suggestion New

warum war erst alles in deutsch auf dem pc und jetzt ist alles nur noch in englisch

Anonymous 2018-01-14 12:28
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1 vote

I shared a grocery list with my husband. It shows up when he accesses his account online but not on his Android app account. How can we get it to show up on his app?

Anonymous 2017-12-31 00:22
Has the answer

we are really sorry that you experiencing a problem with sharing feature.

To fix this we need more info about your account. Please contact us using "send feedback" feature available in our app. In your email send us the name of the list and login/email of the person you shared a list with.

Also, please make sure that person, with whom you share a list, is logged into the right account. In most cases, this kind of problem is caused by using the wrong account by one of the people involved.

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1 vote
1 vote

Create New Category suggestion New

Is there a way to create new categories or to customize existing ones?

Anonymous 2018-06-27 15:40
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1 vote

Importing... question New

I have several established shopping lists for specific stores. Is there a way I can import them into listonic? If so, what file formats do you support?

Anonymous 2018-06-30 03:25
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1 vote

Undo delete items question New

How do I restore a deleted item or is posible to undo the delete bought items command?

Anonymous 2017-11-09 18:43
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1 vote

Categories suggestion New

Hi, is it possible to add additional categories?

Anonymous 2017-11-03 18:29
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1 vote

Mobile Data suggestion New

Why does this app use mobile data? Why on earth does a shopping list need to use my "pay as you go" data??
Have disabled everything I can find relevant to this but still proved when I reinstall the shopping list app & use it in the shops my mobile data usage goes up!
Please explain the reasoning behind the necessity for it to use my data...?

Anonymous 2017-11-27 16:04
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1 vote

delete favorite question New


How can I delete favorite items in website? I deleted in android app items, but can't delete in website.

DianaVamp 2018-04-09 03:11
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1 vote

Catagories suggestion New

Can i add my own catagory?

Anonymous 2017-10-14 20:07
Has the answer

Right now you cannot, but we are strongly wondering about implementing this option in near future.

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1 vote

Setting Up Categories suggestion New

How do I create categories?

Anonymous 2018-05-29 19:20
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1 vote

Change Categories suggestion New

This app is useless unless I have the ability to edit the category names and add my own. Being forced to use pre-made categories makes shopping very inefficient. How can you assume that every supermarket puts items together? Spices and condiments in my store are located half a store apart. I want to organize my categories by physical locations so I don't have to scroll up and down the list searching for items wherever I go. I want all my items grouped together by location.

I start at one end of the market and work down the isles. I want my items in order on my app. DOesn't this make sense?

Anonymous 2018-06-23 05:20
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1 vote

Syncing Listonic suggestion New

Can Listonic list on one phone be synced with Listonic on another phone?

Anonymous 2018-09-04 07:53
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1 vote

List order question New

Can you change the order in which the lists appear?

Anonymous 2014-02-19 10:10
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