0 votes

Multiple lists question New

How do I create multiple lists? I shop at a variety of stores.

Anonymous 2018-02-05 17:55
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0 votes

Restoring lists suggestion New

Can I restore my lists after reinstalling Listonic on a new phone?

Anonymous 2018-05-14 19:01
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0 votes

how do I sign in? suggestion New

I mistakenly signed out -

how do I now sign back in?


Anonymous 2018-01-02 16:38
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0 votes

Password suggestion New

How do i change my Password?

Anonymous 2017-10-15 21:49
Has the answer

In settings you will find an option to change your password.

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0 votes

Bat code suggestion New

Does this program allow me to scan a barcode on an item or rather than type it in

Anonymous 2017-12-31 20:52
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0 votes

Send list suggestion New

How do I send my list to someone else phone

Anonymous 2017-10-15 20:44
Has the answer

To share a list via app.listonic.com, you have to:
1. Go to view of all lists.
2. Highlight a list you want to share.
3. Look for 3 dots icon, then click on it.
4. Click on share option
5. Follow instructions.

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0 votes

Category didn't traced in the app

Anonymous 2018-07-12 09:23
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0 votes

I can not find anywhere were I can scan an item into my shopping list even though I believe this app has that ability?

Anonymous 2017-09-09 11:52
Has the answer

When adding an item, you have a barcode icon on the top of your screen.

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0 votes

James praise New

I am in agreement with pretty much everything that you mentioned entirely! Excellent website document!

Anonymous 2018-03-06 22:45
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0 votes

Some questions
- how can I get the ads removed? upgrade?
- in the web version, if I copy and paste a text list into Listonic, Listonic intelligently creates individual products, but doing the same thing in the web version does not. Can you fix that, please? I have written lists that I copy and paste all the time.
- I have two lists, for two different stores. I'd like to create a master list using a merge function.

Thank you

Anonymous 2018-07-14 16:51
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0 votes

Share other than email suggestion New

If I can share my list other than email, i.e. whatsapp etc so it will be so good. Can you please do that.

Anonymous 2018-08-06 14:30
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0 votes

I create a list name. Put some items in it. Want to add onto that list. Do not want to create a new list just update an already created list. How can I do that? Not possible?

Anonymous 2017-12-08 14:14
Has the answer

To add products to existing list you have to tap the plus sign visible in the list view. You will be moved to adding view and be able to add additional items.
If you don't see the plus sign that opens adding view or you have any other problem, please contact us using "feedback" option from an app.

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0 votes

Your app tells me to do it in Google play and they tell me to do it here!

Anonymous 2018-04-07 08:08
Has the answer

thanks for contacting us. Please contact us using "send feedback" option so we have information about your account. To cancel your premium subscription we also need your order ID (you can find it at payments.google.com).

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0 votes

Forget my account data suggestion New

I'm trying to log in a different device (my wife's cellphone) and I don't remember witch account I used.

How I can see my account data?


Anonymous 2018-08-15 12:20
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0 votes

Premium $15 not working suggestion New

Just paid for the $15 premium. It's not working. Can you please refund and I will try it again?

Anonymous 2018-06-09 03:46
Has the answer

Hi thanks for contacting us. I'm really sorry that you had a problem with our premium version.
You can ask for a refund using Google Play or write to us at support@listonic.com. In your email please send us your order ID (you can find it at https://payments.google.com/payments/u/0/home#). We will refund your money as soon as we receive this information. We need them to start the procedure.

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0 votes

Bugged? error New

Hello.. I was trying to check why mi premium is not active (i bought it some month ago,), but wasnt sure if its 1 time pay or a subscription. Fact is i cant load the premium setting, it keeps loading like a loop and after 30 seconds it says theres a problem, i have to contact the costumer services

Anonymous 2018-07-13 11:40
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0 votes

My Listonics has been working well now for quite sometime. I have not had any problems with it until today. I really love the app. It has been perfect for me and my husband. I woke up today and all of my list names have a set of numbers after them. It makes it harder for me to find my lists, since they all kind of look alike. If I open the last it appears correctly at the top. If I try to rename it, it appears correctly and if I delete the name and retype it out once again la numbers after the name. Restarting my phone did not fix it. I have a Samsung galaxy 5. Any suggestions?

Anonymous 2017-10-18 17:54
Has the answer

Sorry for your troubles. Please update the app and everything will be ok, the hotfix was implemented very soon after the bug occurred.

Let us know if everything is ok.

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0 votes

I have paid for the app suggestion New

But I still have advertising

Anonymous 2017-12-18 22:17
Has the answer

to check what is happening please contact us using "send feedback" option in the app. In your message send as your email/login and your order ID. We need this information to be able to check what is happening and why you still seeing the ads.

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0 votes

After I've created my shopping list, I like that when I purchase something I can check it off and it disappears from the list. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and lets me know how many more things I need to get before I can go home.

However, how do I restore everything in the list for the next shopping trip? I need to start with a fresh, complete list. Of course, before I go shopping, I can check off "as purchased" the items that I don't need at this particular time.

Anonymous 2018-06-30 03:22
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0 votes

log in suggestion New

I am trying to log in on my tablet and want to sync phone & tablet

Anonymous 2017-09-23 15:32
Has the answer

Hello, what is the problem? When you log on the same account on your tablet, you will automatically sync with lists on your phone.

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0 votes

Sharing the list suggestion New

Dear Sir or Madam

How can I share the list with somebody else on his / her cellphone?

Anonymous 2018-07-08 21:20
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0 votes

My list disappeared suggestion New

I cannot access my list from any phones

Anonymous 2018-05-27 21:04
Has the answer

I'm really sorry for this problem.
First of all, try to log into your account. Then you should get access to your list again.
If you still can't access your list, please contact us at support@listonic.pl
In your message send us your login/email and the names of the lists you lost. We also need information about your phone and app version installed on your phone.

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0 votes

I want to know if there is a way to change/update your email that you used when setting up listonic?

Anonymous 2018-04-23 00:58
Has the answer

You can change your email on our website app.listonic.com. you will find a feature that allows changing email in your account settings.

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0 votes

Logging in suggestion New

I have 2 problems. When I try and sign up, it says my email has been used.. and so I logged into this site using facebook, but it will not let me stay logged on. My wife and kids have had no problems staying logged on and using their email address? If you would like to know my email address just let me know.

Anonymous 2018-05-22 05:07
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0 votes

Receiving a list suggestion New

How do I receive a list from my wife who uses this app. I've used this in the past with her but her latest list is not showing.

Anonymous 2017-09-29 22:46
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