0 votes

Where are lists stored and backed up?

Can I access my lists if I don't haveWiFi access?

Anonymous 2017-12-01 14:29
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Remember data suggestion New


Does Listronic remember the prices, store and quantity for next time? That would make shopping so much easier, since I would know where to shop cheaper. It would be nice if it suggested that anyhow


Anonymous 2017-09-17 11:23
Has the answer

Hi Marcus,

right now this option is not avaliable, but there is a strong possibility that we will introduce this feature in the future.

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0 votes

List for non food items suggestion New

Need to be able to maske lists for items that are not food (examples)
Items needed for school
Clothing items
Gift for...
Christmas list of people to buy for

General lists that we can categorize however we want.

Anonymous 2017-12-11 00:41
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0 votes

Barcode scanning suggestion New

Can anyone guide me how to use a barcode scanner in shopping lists on Listonic.
Various googles searches tell me it is possible but i haven't figured it out.


Anonymous 2017-10-27 05:41
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0 votes

prices under dollar suggestion New

How do i add price for items under a dollar?

Anonymous 2017-10-27 15:23
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0 votes

Login issues question New

I have tried resetting my password numerous times and still cannot log in. My login username is

Anonymous 2018-09-10 00:47
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Add category question New

Is it possible to add new categories?

Anonymous 2018-08-05 03:15
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0 votes

Deletions? suggestion New

How do you delete items

Anonymous 2017-10-10 07:44
Has the answer

While using app version, the product you want to delete will have on the right side trash bin icon, after clicking on it the item will dissapear.

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0 votes

Task list question New

Is there any way of being able to send my grocery list to my task list widget?

Anonymous 2018-01-22 19:16
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0 votes

Website Needs updating question New


1) I can't add prices using the web app.
2) I am primarily a keyboard user. As I tab through the list, I cannot see where my focus is, and so I don't know when to click so that I can edit an item, delete an item, or add a new item.
3) When I turn on an extension that supplies a focus indicator, and tab through each item, I will get to "Delete" and then "Edit", but the visual order of the icons is "Edit" and then "Delete".
4) When I click "Edit" and then tab through the fields in the form, if I tab past Cancel, I wind up on "Delete" for the next item. I should not be able to leave the form without clicking "OK" or "Cancel".

I am a web developer, and I am interested in working on this app for free, if you are willing to take me on.

Thank you,
ClaireElaine -- claireelaine.molnar@gmail.com

Anonymous 2017-10-05 21:59
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0 votes

Listonic has been awesome, My wife can add to the list on her phone, and I can access it on my phone at the store, however, we have not been able to log in the last few days, is there a problem with the server?

Anonymous 2018-07-13 12:56
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0 votes

After I've created my shopping list, I like that when I purchase something I can check it off and it disappears from the list. It gives me a sense of accomplishment and lets me know how many more things I need to get before I can go home.

However, how do I restore everything in the list for the next shopping trip? I need to start with a fresh, complete list. Of course, before I go shopping, I can check off "as purchased" the items that I don't need at this particular time.

Anonymous 2018-06-30 03:22
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0 votes

Deli items suggestion New

Can I add "deli" to the categories?

Anonymous 2017-12-26 21:11
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0 votes

Languages suggestion New

Why Arabic is not available in the language list?

Anonymous 2018-03-31 11:22
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0 votes

Some questions
- how can I get the ads removed? upgrade?
- in the web version, if I copy and paste a text list into Listonic, Listonic intelligently creates individual products, but doing the same thing in the web version does not. Can you fix that, please? I have written lists that I copy and paste all the time.
- I have two lists, for two different stores. I'd like to create a master list using a merge function.

Thank you

Anonymous 2018-07-14 16:51
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0 votes

My wife and I were able to sink our lists before but now we got new phones and it doesn't seem like we can. Can you help?

Anonymous 2017-12-25 20:03
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0 votes

For some reason, when i go into a catalog and press an item it doesn't add it to my list.
Is it a bug ? Or something i am doing wrong?
Thank you

Anonymous 2018-03-23 11:02
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0 votes

I was hoping to send my list to my mom but I can't do that. How may I do this?

Anonymous 2017-12-20 19:07
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0 votes

cancel suggestion New

i would like to cancel my subscription...

Anonymous 2018-03-11 05:25
Has the answer

If you want to cancel your subscription you can do this by Google Play/App Store. If you android user you may also write to us at support@listonic.com and send us your order ID. We will cancel your subscription for you.

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0 votes

Anonymous 2017-11-20 18:03
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0 votes

My wife speak German and I'm speaking French, so Listonic is setup in French on both smartphones (for list sharing).
But voice input doesn't understand French on my wife's smarphone because phone language is German (but Listonic is French).
How can we make it understand French on both phones ?

Anonymous 2017-11-26 11:49
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0 votes

I like you whole concept and the layout. Is there other lists besides groceries that I can choose from to use?

Anonymous 2017-10-29 13:22
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0 votes

Message indicated suggestion New

I have a number 1 on the app icon. I can't find a message or list anywhere to open or delete. How do I get rid of it?

Anonymous 2018-04-17 06:27
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0 votes

Notification 1 showing suggestion New

What is it and how do I get rid of it?

Anonymous 2017-12-18 01:17
Has the answer

There is a bug in our notification system that causing this symbol to pop up on Listonic icon. We are solving this so it will never happen again.

In the meantime, the easiest way to get rid of this icon is to reinstall the app.

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0 votes

I can not find anywhere were I can scan an item into my shopping list even though I believe this app has that ability?

Anonymous 2017-09-09 11:52
Has the answer

When adding an item, you have a barcode icon on the top of your screen.

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