0 votes


I just installed your Grocery List App.

Is there a way to Sync My Grocery Lists with my Windows 10 PCs.

Thank you,
John in Vermont

Anonymous 2018-03-05 14:33
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List Sharing Trouble question New

My husband originally shared a Groceries list with me. I had to reset my phone and after I logged back into Listonic, his item additions aren't showing up in my list. ???

Anonymous 2018-06-29 23:06
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0 votes

Shoppinh list suggestion New

Am just getting used to this app..think I might like it BUT am now getting contacts, msgs. From ppl I don't know and zzDONT WANT YO KNOW.... PLEADE TELL ME HOW YO ININSTALL THID APP OR HOW TO BL OCK THESE UNWANTED CONTACTS..THANX

Anonymous 2018-03-23 23:42
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0 votes

New items suggestion New

How can I add new items that are not on your template? Would this also work for adding sub-headings?
Geoff Parker

Anonymous 2018-07-08 18:30
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Adding items suggestion New

Adding items by voice control does not work any more.

Anonymous 2018-07-08 21:26
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Sharing Link Language suggestion New

See Screenshot Attached below.

Sharing a link should make the Link appears in the Language selected in your app/list or at least in a default language like English.
this is probably due to you guys being from Poland/some eastern country but I feel like for the success of this app, that everything should be kept in english.

Would be lovely if this could be integrated.


Anonymous 2018-07-11 08:55
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0 votes

My list of items to buy has often changed while I am shopping. Help

Anonymous 2018-07-29 17:21
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0 votes

Add categories suggestion New

I would like other categories than what is listed. How do I add them? I may go back to my old list because the categories don't fit all my needs. I have too many items in 'other'.

Anonymous 2018-09-05 16:32
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0 votes

Login issues question New

I have tried resetting my password numerous times and still cannot log in. My login username is

Anonymous 2018-09-10 00:47
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0 votes

Offline Use suggestion New

Hi Listonic Team,

How can I make my lists available offline?

Thank You,

Anonymous 2018-08-07 19:43
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How to unshare suggestion New

Accidentally added a contact to our personal shopping list.

Anonymous 2018-09-10 17:04
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0 votes

Pricing suggestion New

It would be nice if the prices of the items I enter were saved so when I make my next list I can see how much I am spending.

Anonymous 2017-12-07 22:09
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0 votes

Email notifications question New

Hi, I like the Listonic app. I get app notifications every time I receive new shopping lists but I also receive emails every time. I try to turn off emails but I can't find how. Can you please tell me how to turn off email notifications. I want to keep only app notifications. Don't need both.

Anonymous 2018-01-25 18:50
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0 votes

I tried to setup a account and it keeps telling me my email is already in use, I just downloaded the app for the first time and then I go to reset the password and even after doing that it still says invalid password try again and doesnt work why is this happening and why cant i create an account

Anonymous 2018-09-18 08:16
Has the answer

if you have a problem with account creation please contact us at support@listonic.com. Please send us an email you used to create an account. We also need information about the device you used. With this information, we will be able to help you.

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I find it hard to see the add button as it largely covered by Ads. I know there is a close button on the Ad but it's tiny and often if I try to use them I open the Ad, the last thing I want to do.
I appreciate you want to make money and generally I don't mind Ads but I've never seen an Ad cover the controls for the App.

Anonymous 2017-10-23 21:34
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0 votes

I have a premium account with you and just got a new phone. I've installed the app, but haven't been able to figure out how to connect my Listonic account with it. Help please. LOVE Listonic, have used it for many years. Was happy to buy the Premium to support you folks.

Judi Bryan

Anonymous 2017-10-27 04:40
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0 votes

It's great I can enter the item as I think of it but it won't necessarily be in the right order once I've completed it. Is there any way i can organise the list in shop order to make my shopping quicker?

Anonymous 2018-01-03 10:00
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0 votes

Deli items suggestion New

Can I add "deli" to the categories?

Anonymous 2017-12-26 21:11
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0 votes

I just had to reset my password, and i was not able to use my usual algorithm. That would have required 17 characters, but after three tries it became clear that 17 was to long. A shorter one of 8 was accepted the first time.

As a Linux kernel developer and power user, let me suggest: passwords should allow almost any character or symbol, and allow at least 255 characters. 16 (a guess) is not an acceptable maximum.

Anonymous 2017-12-28 02:41
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0 votes

Deleted list suggestion New

How long are the deleted lists kept for? Will it display the date it was made?
Im trying to streamline ordering for my restaurant, but i need to keep ordering lists in case the supplier fogets something. It also needs the date so i can check the invoice sent against the order i made

Anonymous 2018-07-03 02:19
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0 votes

voice suggestion New

i can t find a voice record tool on the app.

Anonymous 2018-03-14 13:02
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Amazon suggestion New

Can you add items to the list using the Amazon Echo or other device?

Anonymous 2018-02-13 23:45
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Category icons question New

Why don't I see the category icons on my tablet?

Anonymous 2018-06-05 21:11
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0 votes

Have do I change the default active Alexa list that this skill comes with? I have tried renaming it, when I go back to the app my list is there with a second list called Alexa list. I have also tried deleting it and just using my customised one, but it came back. Any suggestions?

Anonymous 2018-02-22 23:57
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0 votes

Back up my lists suggestion New


I would like to have all my lists somehow backed up asap as my phone screen is damaged and I am not sure how long it'll last. Please advise me how to do this.

Thanks, Monica

Anonymous 2018-07-08 18:39
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