0 votes

Log in error New

I can't log in. It says that "no connection to the server". my internet is ok. Tried restart my phone many times and install this program again but it's nor working. Help please. ☺️

Anonymous 2018-07-13 08:37
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0 votes

Categories suggestion New

When I first started to create my grocery list, category icons were showing ( can for canned goods etc). Now all of those category icons are gone. Can this be fixed?

Anonymous 2018-03-04 06:10
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0 votes

Sync suggestion New

How do I sync isotonic lists from tablet to phone

Anonymous 2018-03-31 13:20
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0 votes

Can't add any produce items

Anonymous 2018-03-17 18:45
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0 votes

Alexa suggestion New

Any chance you are integrating with Alexa?

Anonymous 2018-03-10 22:14
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List for non food items suggestion New

Need to be able to maske lists for items that are not food (examples)
Items needed for school
Clothing items
Gift for...
Christmas list of people to buy for

General lists that we can categorize however we want.

Anonymous 2017-12-11 00:41
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0 votes

cancel suggestion New

i would like to cancel my subscription...

Anonymous 2018-03-11 05:25
Has the answer

If you want to cancel your subscription you can do this by Google Play/App Store. If you android user you may also write to us at support@listonic.com and send us your order ID. We will cancel your subscription for you.

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Pasek postepu suggestion New

Czy ktokolwiek do tej pory zwrocil uwagę na szerokość Paska postępu ? Gdy jest on szerokości kilku pikseli jego istnienie w ogóle nie ma sensu. absolutnie nie widać czy jest zielony czy szary albo cały tło pod lista powinno zmieniać swój odcień albo w ogóle zrezygnować.

Anonymous 2018-05-29 23:03
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Connecting to I ternet suggestion New

Got a new modem but can't figure out how to update Listonics.

Anonymous 2018-07-13 06:41
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0 votes

Old Version suggestion New

How do I get back to the old version? I could rearrange the order of items within a list in the old version, but I can't do it in the new version.
Mike Heyden nedyeh@gmail.com

Anonymous 2018-05-23 11:43
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UPC scanner suggestion New

Be able to add items by scanning UPC code

Anonymous 2018-02-01 19:38
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Anonymous 2018-08-06 22:13
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Add category question New

Is it possible to add new categories?

Anonymous 2018-08-05 03:15
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Restoring lists suggestion New

Can I restore my lists after reinstalling Listonic on a new phone?

Anonymous 2018-05-14 19:01
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0 votes

List suggestion New

I got a new phone

I tried to login and then download my old list but I'm didn't work. Any way to get that list?

Anonymous 2018-06-09 11:26
Has the answer

Thanks for contacting us. I'm really sorry that you have a problem with login into your account.
First of all, make sure that you use the right account. In most cases, this kind of problems are caused by signing into the wrong account ;)
If you are certain that you use a correct account and you still don't see your lists, please contact us using a "send feedback" option in the app. This way we get information about your phone and app that we need to check what is happaning. In your email add information about the account you are using (it's login/or email).

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Message indicated suggestion New

I have a number 1 on the app icon. I can't find a message or list anywhere to open or delete. How do I get rid of it?

Anonymous 2018-04-17 06:27
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Listonic suggestion New

How do i make a second list?

Anonymous 2018-01-12 17:46
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0 votes

Premium $15 not working suggestion New

Just paid for the $15 premium. It's not working. Can you please refund and I will try it again?

Anonymous 2018-06-09 03:46
Has the answer

Hi thanks for contacting us. I'm really sorry that you had a problem with our premium version.
You can ask for a refund using Google Play or write to us at support@listonic.com. In your email please send us your order ID (you can find it at https://payments.google.com/payments/u/0/home#). We will refund your money as soon as we receive this information. We need them to start the procedure.

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Multiple lists question New

How do I create multiple lists? I shop at a variety of stores.

Anonymous 2018-02-05 17:55
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0 votes

Voice list suggestion New

Where is the microphone after I hit plus
It is not there.

Anonymous 2018-05-16 18:41
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0 votes

Login isn't working suggestion New

I am able to sign in on my iPhone, but my iPad says the password or username is incorrect. I would like to have my lists on both devices. Please help.

Anonymous 2018-09-16 18:45
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0 votes

Android 7 suggestion New

Just reinstalled and can't get past the first message asking me to acknowledge cookies. When I tap, it says no connection.
I prefer this so to other shopping and but can't get in. Ideas?

Anonymous 2018-08-18 13:21
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0 votes

Sign in suggestion New

I registered online and now cannot sign in on app bc it tells me my account already exists even though I am using "Sign in" and not sign up.

Anonymous 2018-07-20 16:35
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0 votes

I like you whole concept and the layout. Is there other lists besides groceries that I can choose from to use?

Anonymous 2017-10-29 13:22
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