It would be very helpful to be able to create my own additional categories based on how an item on my list is stocked in the store I visit. For example, I purchase a couple different breakfast items that currently fall under the pasta and grains category. However, I may also be purchasing pasta that week. In my store, the breakfast cereals and pasta are several aisles apart, but are listed consecutively on my shopping list, often resulting in a missed item and the need to back track. This app is awesome, thank you!
Anonymous2017-03-26 12:13
Has the answer
we are working on a feature that will allow users to create their own custom categories. Unfortunately, it will take us some time because it is in the really early stage of development.
What are the units of measurement that recognizes the program (you gave example kg)
grames = g
liter= l
mililiter = ml
meters= m
packages= ?
pieces= ?
This app is simple to use and saves my household the time and expense of numerous unnecessary shopping trips. Suggestion: Add a search input field, and enable Listonic to cynamically filter the entire list of items to include only those that include the character string entered into this field. Reason: The way that I prefer to use Listonic is to add, uncheck, and check items, but only to remove items that are non-reusable. So my primary list is quite long, and it's getting harder to scroll though and find items to uncheck. When I use a PC, I can use Ctrl+F, but that's not cross-platform. Please take a hint from another outstanding app called SafeInCloud, which is a password manager. It very effectively uses this filtering method to allow users to almost instantly go to a specific Web account, for example, even though the entire list of accounts may be extremely long.
Hi, I'd like to know if there is a way to add items to my listonic list via Amazon Alexa or from any external service? For example in Wunderlist it is possible to add tasks by sending a special email to a special address. This way IFTTT is able to add things to this list. And using IFTTT I would be able to utilize Alexa speech input ...
Hi, I know that some list services connect to Alexa, but I'd like to stay with Listonic. Can it be connected to Alexa so I can put stuff on my shopping list?
Anonymous2017-10-01 21:04
Has the answer
Our skill for Alexa should be ready within a few weeks. So please stay tuned.
Is the Listonic app no longer available for the Samsung Gear S3? I used to use it daily with my S7 Edge and after having to reset my watch I can no longer find it on the Galaxy Apps store to reinstall.
Please add an option to allow categories to be input by user at entry and then don't allow the program to change them. I don't think you understand how United States grocery stores are organized, nor our industrial processed food supply. The software guesses are right less than half the time. I can adapt the categories, but it is sooooo much work because I can't assign them. I have to go searching through long lists to find the item and edit its category. Just that one change would make the program substantially more efficient. Thank you. I like the program, but it's a time waster.
I have lists for more than grocery’s, so I have items that I don’t need ever again, I want to remove this item from the recent/ suggestions that pop up.
Is there a way to keep the list from duplicating items when you add them. I'd like for it to suggest from existing entries and use that entry, rather than creating a new one.
Aside from that, this is the BEST list app out there!
I have been using this app for my grocery shopping and it works fine! I have a couple of issues: I never clear the checked items because they will disappear for ever and I will need to pick them up again. The app is oriented to make lists again and again, I prefer to use the same list as I buy mostly the same items again and again. The checked items are also good to remember stuff to purchase (very important). To me the option of clear purchased items is VERY DANGEROUS. Also when all items are checked the system offer you the option to clear the list ==> NO Way! just leave them there. I have added a bogus item in each list that is never checked.
Is there any way to mark items as purchased (strike-thru font, change highlight color) so that you can double check your cart to your list, in case someone tries to add to your list while shopping? That way, you don't double purchase items!
Some of the default categories are ones I will never use. Others need to be edited to more accurately reflect the grocery store I frequent. Still other categories are not represented at all (and the "other" category won't work for this). We need to be able to create categories and customize existing ones.
Google Assistant support suggestion New
When will the Google Assistant support be ready?
Many thanks for the great app! :)
product categories suggestion New
I wish I could edit the categories to better reflect where the products are located in the actual store.
Recipe - new feature suggestion New
Many people are using your application like a cookbook.
Created new list, add product - the name of the list is -for example - "Pizza"
In my opinion very good feature will be added new functionality ADD RECIPE inside the list - like a header of the list / optional field / description.
Hi, the help file in English would be good! suggestion New
English help
Google home suggestion New
Can I use listonic with google assistant?
Create my own category suggestion New
It would be very helpful to be able to create my own additional categories based on how an item on my list is stocked in the store I visit. For example, I purchase a couple different breakfast items that currently fall under the pasta and grains category. However, I may also be purchasing pasta that week. In my store, the breakfast cereals and pasta are several aisles apart, but are listed consecutively on my shopping list, often resulting in a missed item and the need to back track. This app is awesome, thank you!
we are working on a feature that will allow users to create their own custom categories. Unfortunately, it will take us some time because it is in the really early stage of development.
Unit for Artificial Intelligence? question New
What are the units of measurement that recognizes the program (you gave example kg)
grames = g
liter= l
mililiter = ml
meters= m
packages= ?
pieces= ?
google home suggestion New
how do you sync with Google home with this ap?
Type to Find suggestion New
This app is simple to use and saves my household the time and expense of numerous unnecessary shopping trips. Suggestion: Add a search input field, and enable Listonic to cynamically filter the entire list of items to include only those that include the character string entered into this field. Reason: The way that I prefer to use Listonic is to add, uncheck, and check items, but only to remove items that are non-reusable. So my primary list is quite long, and it's getting harder to scroll though and find items to uncheck. When I use a PC, I can use Ctrl+F, but that's not cross-platform. Please take a hint from another outstanding app called SafeInCloud, which is a password manager. It very effectively uses this filtering method to allow users to almost instantly go to a specific Web account, for example, even though the entire list of accounts may be extremely long.
Add items from external app question New
Hi, I'd like to know if there is a way to add items to my listonic list via Amazon Alexa or from any external service? For example in Wunderlist it is possible to add tasks by sending a special email to a special address. This way IFTTT is able to add things to this list. And using IFTTT I would be able to utilize Alexa speech input ...
Connect to Alexa (Amazon ) suggestion New
Hi, I know that some list services connect to Alexa, but I'd like to stay with Listonic. Can it be connected to Alexa so I can put stuff on my shopping list?
Our skill for Alexa should be ready within a few weeks. So please stay tuned.
Change currency settings suggestion New
How do I change currency settings?
Samsung Gear S3 App missing question New
Is the Listonic app no longer available for the Samsung Gear S3? I used to use it daily with my S7 Edge and after having to reset my watch I can no longer find it on the Galaxy Apps store to reinstall.
Prices should save in list suggestion New
It would be really helpful if after you add a price on your list, the next time you add that item top a list, the price would automatically populate.
categories suggestion New
Please add an option to allow categories to be input by user at entry and then don't allow the program to change them. I don't think you understand how United States grocery stores are organized, nor our industrial processed food supply. The software guesses are right less than half the time. I can adapt the categories, but it is sooooo much work because I can't assign them. I have to go searching through long lists to find the item and edit its category. Just that one change would make the program substantially more efficient. Thank you. I like the program, but it's a time waster.
Adding Categories? suggestion New
How do I add categories?
Currently there is no option to do so, but we think about implementing it ;)
Remove item from recent list suggestion New
I have lists for more than grocery’s, so I have items that I don’t need ever again, I want to remove this item from the recent/ suggestions that pop up.
Duplicate items suggestion New
Is there a way to keep the list from duplicating items when you add them. I'd like for it to suggest from existing entries and use that entry, rather than creating a new one.
Aside from that, this is the BEST list app out there!
Thank you
Importing lists suggestion New
Hello, I'm a new user and transitioning from another shopping list app where I have a fairly extensive set of items.
I'm trying to figure out how to import the lists to Listonic. And import feature seems to not be available.
What would be the best way to get this done?
how do I re organize the names of my list in alphabetical order? suggestion New
Good App suggestion New
I have been using this app for my grocery shopping and it works fine! I have a couple of issues: I never clear the checked items because they will disappear for ever and I will need to pick them up again. The app is oriented to make lists again and again, I prefer to use the same list as I buy mostly the same items again and again. The checked items are also good to remember stuff to purchase (very important). To me the option of clear purchased items is VERY DANGEROUS. Also when all items are checked the system offer you the option to clear the list ==> NO Way! just leave them there. I have added a bogus item in each list that is never checked.
undelete items from a list question New
I accidently removed checked items from a list. Is there anyway I can retrieve them?
thanks for contacting us.
Right now there is no such option, but we work on this function. It will be ready within a few months.
How do I add my own categories? suggestion New
Would like to add new ones to match the way my store groups items.
Cross out purchased items WITHOUT deleting them suggestion New
Is there any way to mark items as purchased (strike-thru font, change highlight color) so that you can double check your cart to your list, in case someone tries to add to your list while shopping? That way, you don't double purchase items!
Add, delete or edit categories suggestion New
Some of the default categories are ones I will never use. Others need to be edited to more accurately reflect the grocery store I frequent. Still other categories are not represented at all (and the "other" category won't work for this). We need to be able to create categories and customize existing ones.