0 votes

Lists suggestion New

I would like to make another list so that I have 2 lists one for groceries and a tax giving to get list?

Anonymous 2017-11-03 23:57
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0 votes

Saving prices suggestion New

It would be wonderful to be able to save prices for future shopping to specific stores.

Anonymous 2018-01-20 23:30
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0 votes

Limited lists suggestion New

Why are shopping lists limited to 19 items?

Anonymous 2018-01-10 19:32
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0 votes

Compare prices question New

Anonymous 2018-01-20 22:10
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0 votes

Ads suggestion New

I paid 15.00 to remove ads forever they are still there.

Anonymous 2017-12-30 17:49
Has the answer

sorry for the problem with the ads. Please contact us via help option in the app. We need your email/login and confirmation of your order to check what happened and solve this problem.

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0 votes

Same as title of this email

Anonymous 2018-03-16 00:36
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0 votes

Consulta suggestion New

Como le pongo precios a los productos?

Anonymous 2018-03-09 07:06
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0 votes

Password reset error New


I have tried several times to reset my password. I get the email with the link but every single times the reset fails while entering the new password:
'Unfortunately password change did not succeed, please try again'.

Can you explain what can be done?
Frank Vissotsky

Anonymous 2018-06-11 21:52
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0 votes

Logging in suggestion New

Can you help[ please? I am having a real problem logging in to my new account. I set the programme up yesterday using my google mail account but using the same information I cannot get into the account on my mobile. I am using correct information to log in but it doesn't seem to recognize it


Anonymous 2016-07-26 10:33
Has the answer

Hi, sorry for that. We will try to help you as soon as it is possible. To do that we need information about your account and email. Please write to us on support@listonic.pl and we will check what is happening.

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0 votes

Prices suggestion New

How do you get the prices to show? I've only just downloaded the app, trying to figure everything out.

Anonymous 2018-01-21 05:45
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0 votes

For some reason, when i go into a catalog and press an item it doesn't add it to my list.
Is it a bug ? Or something i am doing wrong?
Thank you

Anonymous 2018-03-23 11:02
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0 votes

Single grocery list suggestion New

Is it possible to put items from separate lists in to one main shopping list?

Anonymous 2018-08-16 12:06
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0 votes

I've tried to delete a person from my share list but they're still there.
What am I doing wrong?
Please help.

Anonymous 2018-08-26 04:33
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0 votes

I want to be able to create a shopping list on the desktop and phone. But, I can only edit items on the phone and not on the desktop. Am I missing something somewhere?

Anonymous 2018-03-22 17:33
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0 votes

Having multiple list suggestion New

When I go shopping I usually have a list for each store is this possible with your app?


Anonymous 2018-01-04 18:47
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0 votes

I was hoping to send my list to my mom but I can't do that. How may I do this?

Anonymous 2017-12-20 19:07
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0 votes

Push up notifications question New

Hello guys,

I absolutely love your application and we use it daily with my girlfriend.
I miss one thing, maybe I just couldn't find it....

I would love to get push up notification directly to my smartphone everytime my girlfriend add or check any item of the grocery list. Notification only come as email, I just can't believe you didn't input this feature... Where can I turn it on or how. Thank you!

Anonymous 2018-03-12 23:32
Has the answer

Hi, there is a push notification option in our app. You should get a push every time someone shares a list with you or add items to shared list.

Notifications, however, have several limitations, which means that sometimes they will not be visible.
- Notifications are sent only for shared lists. If you use one account on several devices, notifications are not available.
- Notifications are not sent if you turn off sending of notifications in the phone settings or if the phone is limited in running background apps (for example, when it is in Stamina mode).
- A person who receives a notification must have a Listonic version 5.6.2 (Android), 4.0.1 (iOS) or older installed.
- Pushes are sent with a few minute delay (counting from the last activity on the shared list). So, if someone adds something to the list, then stops for a moment, and then it happens again and again, notification will be sent only one time after all the actions are finished.
- A push will not be displayed if the intended recipient enters the shared list and looks at the items before the push reaches them. In this case, the system won’t send a push, because it assumes that if the potential recipient has already seen the changes on the list, the push is unnecessary.

In most cases, if you didn't get a notification, it is because of one or more of these reasons. However, if you think that the described situations are not the reason why you didn’t get a notification, please contact us using "send feedback" option within the app.

In your email, please give us the username of the person with whom you share the list and the list’s name. We will check what is happening.

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0 votes

Remember data suggestion New


Does Listronic remember the prices, store and quantity for next time? That would make shopping so much easier, since I would know where to shop cheaper. It would be nice if it suggested that anyhow


Anonymous 2017-09-17 11:23
Has the answer

Hi Marcus,

right now this option is not avaliable, but there is a strong possibility that we will introduce this feature in the future.

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0 votes

When the screen popped up requesting permission to collect data for advertising purposes, I tried to click no to all of the options, as I don't want it. But I made a mistake and ended up hitting save when all were marked yes. How can I go back and fix it? I don't want data of my purchases collected and I don't need personalised ads.

Anonymous 2018-05-27 01:07
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0 votes

Ads error New

I paid for the ad free version and I'm still getting ads. $15

Anonymous 2018-09-07 00:28
Has the answer

thanks for contacting us.
I understand that you have a problem with a premium feature and I can relate to the frustration this must be causing to you. Please accept our sincerest apologies as things aren’t working smoothly.

To resolve this, we have to know your Payment ID. It can be found on this site: https://payments.google.com/payments/u/0/home#. Please send it to us using "send feedback" option in th app settings.

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0 votes

Cannot add items. Blue + button has stopped working. Have shutdown and restarted my phone and still not functional.

Anonymous 2018-01-12 14:59
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0 votes

Lists no longer syncing? suggestion New

My husband and I have been using Listonic for quite some time, but now they are no longer syncing. We've tried sending invitations again to each other, rebooting our phones, nothing works. Can you help?

Anonymous 2017-10-10 16:21
Has the answer

Things like that shouldn't happen, we're sorry. Please contact us via "feedback" option in app, we will try to help you.

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0 votes

Typeface or font size question New

I'd like to be able to change the size of the typeface? Is this possible?

Anonymous 2018-03-07 17:26
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0 votes

The Help page is not in English.

Anonymous 2018-05-16 18:18
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0 votes

Anonymous 2018-04-23 16:26
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