0 votes

For some reason, when i go into a catalog and press an item it doesn't add it to my list.
Is it a bug ? Or something i am doing wrong?
Thank you

Anonymous 2018-03-23 11:02
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0 votes

I was hoping to send my list to my mom but I can't do that. How may I do this?

Anonymous 2017-12-20 19:07
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0 votes

Anonymous 2017-11-20 18:03
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0 votes

My wife speak German and I'm speaking French, so Listonic is setup in French on both smartphones (for list sharing).
But voice input doesn't understand French on my wife's smarphone because phone language is German (but Listonic is French).
How can we make it understand French on both phones ?

Anonymous 2017-11-26 11:49
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0 votes

Message indicated suggestion New

I have a number 1 on the app icon. I can't find a message or list anywhere to open or delete. How do I get rid of it?

Anonymous 2018-04-17 06:27
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0 votes

I can not find anywhere were I can scan an item into my shopping list even though I believe this app has that ability?

Anonymous 2017-09-09 11:52
Has the answer

When adding an item, you have a barcode icon on the top of your screen.

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0 votes

Having multiple list suggestion New

When I go shopping I usually have a list for each store is this possible with your app?


Anonymous 2018-01-04 18:47
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0 votes

Eliminate duplicates suggestion New

Please eliminate duplicates from lists.

Anonymous 2018-06-12 16:22
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0 votes

When the screen popped up requesting permission to collect data for advertising purposes, I tried to click no to all of the options, as I don't want it. But I made a mistake and ended up hitting save when all were marked yes. How can I go back and fix it? I don't want data of my purchases collected and I don't need personalised ads.

Anonymous 2018-05-27 01:07
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0 votes

log in suggestion New

I am trying to log in on my tablet and want to sync phone & tablet

Anonymous 2017-09-23 15:32
Has the answer

Hello, what is the problem? When you log on the same account on your tablet, you will automatically sync with lists on your phone.

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0 votes

My list disappeared suggestion New

I cannot access my list from any phones

Anonymous 2018-05-27 21:04
Has the answer

I'm really sorry for this problem.
First of all, try to log into your account. Then you should get access to your list again.
If you still can't access your list, please contact us at support@listonic.pl
In your message send us your login/email and the names of the lists you lost. We also need information about your phone and app version installed on your phone.

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0 votes

Separate shopping lists suggestion New

I need to know how to create separate list for each store I want to shop with.

Anonymous 2017-12-08 21:28
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0 votes

Sharing the list suggestion New

Dear Sir or Madam

How can I share the list with somebody else on his / her cellphone?

Anonymous 2018-07-08 21:20
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0 votes

I paid $15 to get rid of the advertising. But the ads are still there.

Anonymous 2018-09-12 19:15
Has the answer

thanks for contacting us.
I understand that you have a problem with a premium feature and I can relate to the frustration this must be causing to you. Please accept our sincerest apologies as things aren’t working smoothly.

To resolve this, please contact us by "send feedback" option in the app. In your message please give us your payment ID. It can be found on this site: https://payments.google.com/payments/u/0/home#.
When we get this information we will be able to check what is happening and fix the problem.

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0 votes

I go to my account on google play to cancel my sub but it doesnt seem to be showing and yet the money is still been taken out of my account. I wish to stop it but Im unsure what to do?

Anonymous 2017-11-15 00:45
Has the answer

to check what is happening we need a few additional info. Please contact us via "send feedback" option in the app. In your email give us your payment ID. You can find it at https://payments.google.com/payments/u/0/home#

When we get your payment ID, we will be able to check, what exactly is happening with your subscription.

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0 votes

Share other than email suggestion New

If I can share my list other than email, i.e. whatsapp etc so it will be so good. Can you please do that.

Anonymous 2018-08-06 14:30
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0 votes

cancel suggestion New

i would like to cancel my subscription...

Anonymous 2018-03-11 05:25
Has the answer

If you want to cancel your subscription you can do this by Google Play/App Store. If you android user you may also write to us at support@listonic.com and send us your order ID. We will cancel your subscription for you.

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0 votes

Mobile app sharing suggestion New

Wife has email shared lists. I can see them on laptop but they dont show on mobile app. How can I see them?

Anonymous 2018-04-10 04:36
Has the answer

to see the list you have to log into your account. Then you will have access to all your lists. Please make sure that you log into the same account you use on our website.
If you continue to have problems with seeing the lists, please contact us using help options available in the application. In your email. In your message give us the name of your list and information about your wife's account (her login/email)

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0 votes

Logging in suggestion New

Can you help[ please? I am having a real problem logging in to my new account. I set the programme up yesterday using my google mail account but using the same information I cannot get into the account on my mobile. I am using correct information to log in but it doesn't seem to recognize it


Anonymous 2016-07-26 10:33
Has the answer

Hi, sorry for that. We will try to help you as soon as it is possible. To do that we need information about your account and email. Please write to us on support@listonic.pl and we will check what is happening.

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0 votes

Password suggestion New

How do i change my Password?

Anonymous 2017-10-15 21:49
Has the answer

In settings you will find an option to change your password.

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0 votes

Archive suggestion New

Is there a way to archive a list that I can pull up later? I have some great lists for events and such. I lot of thought and detail went into identifying the needs for specific events and/or a travel list. The thing is I don't want to see them every day and I don't want to lose the info I created.

Thank you!

Anonymous 2017-10-03 21:01
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0 votes

Categories suggestion New

Now you've added right to left writing, how about adding Halal and Kosher categories?

Anonymous 2018-07-19 13:59
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0 votes

Multiple lists question New

How do I create multiple lists? I shop at a variety of stores.

Anonymous 2018-02-05 17:55
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0 votes

New phone suggestion New

How do I transfer list to my new phone?

Anonymous 2017-09-12 04:40
Has the answer

All you have to do is to log onto your account, list will transfer automatically.

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0 votes

Paid suggestion New

I have paid but I still get advertising

Anonymous 2017-12-18 19:49
Has the answer

to check what is happening please contact us using "send feedback" option in the app. In your message send as your email/login and your order ID. We need this information to be able to check what is happening and why you still seeing the ads.

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